Emergency Management
Director Marcus Cunningham reported on information on the 911 Grant the city is receiving. Cunningham advised that the grant was awarded as a cost share match and the city would match 50% of the grant, which is $375,000 that will need to be spent by February 1, 2026.
A report was given by Ernie Moore who handed out a map on the South Industrial Tract to all council members. Moore also reported that the CIA is still progressing on the five-year plan and an abstract is being brought up to date on the property recently purchased.
Planning and Zoning/Board of Adjustments
Chairman Mark McCullough reported the closure of the alley between Spaulding and Okmulgee and obtaining the right away easement at 410 E. Audd. CIDA is also looking into mending the ordinance for the size of modular homes in Checotah.
Chamber of Commerce
Secretary, Laurie Burkhalter stated the general chamber meeting is the second Tuesday of each month at noon with the last meeting being held at Watson‘s Smokehouse. She also stated the Chamber banquet scheduled for Tuesday, February 25 and would be held at the First Free Will Baptist Church Family Life Center and that tickets could be purchased at the chamber office or local banks for $25 or purchased at the door for $35.
No report was given for EMS and EMS was not present at the meeting.
Fire Department
No report was given from the fire department because the fire department was not present.
Police Department
A police report was given by Marvin Harrell on activity for the month of January. Harrell stated there had been five jailed, 16 incident reports, 20 citations issued that totaled $6,245, 911 calls of service and three accidents worked.
The police department has also applied for a highway safety grant.
Director Andy Burnett stated maintenance had repaired 62 potholes and they were finishing new buildings. They also put millings down for the basketball and pickleball courts for concrete prep. Burnett also stated that their skid seer and 1-ton truck were both down but being repaired.
Code enforcer Adam Arden reported that 30 building inspections have been completed and he has applied for two DEQ grants. These grants would be used for one full-time employee and a roll-off dumpster for trash off plus the purchase of a 61-inch zero-turn mower with a mulching attachment. Arden stated he has utilized 25 community service workers to pick up trash and clean up the town.
Director Chris Brown reported that the Farmer’s Market received a a donation of $50,000 from Logan and Donna Sharpe from the Tulsa Community Foundation Grant. Brown also stated that he had applied of $2 million in, $400,000 through the Oklahoma Land Conservation Grant to refurbish Bessie Tabor Park, $1.5 million through Oklahoma Trails & Recreation Grant for three miles of walking trails and an indoor facility for walking plus $100,000 through TSET Foundation for ADA inclusive park equipment.
No report given due to water dep. working on a current water line break.