114 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat Thursday, February 23, 1911
A soaking rain which began falling during Saturday forenoon and lasted until Sunday noon, ending in gusts of snow, effectively ended the drought which has prevailed for several months.
The moisture was general all over the state and has done incalculable good.
Checotah has been more fortunate than many cities as her supply for general use was only quite recently exhausted.
Man’s Meat Stolen
Two weeks ago, as noted in this paper, E.S. Linch was the victim of a band of thieves who purloined his winter supplies of meat and stole sundry other articles.
Invoking the aid of the law, a systematic search was instituted which resulted in locating the stolen plunder14 miles northeast of Checotah.
A quantity of the meat, the choicest, had been consumed. A number of arrests have been made and it is stated that others will be as well as it is alleged that an organized band of thieves exists in that section.
••••• 100 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, December 18, 1924
Old Man Winter on the Job
After having taken several “detours” on his contemplated trip to Oklahoma, “Old Man Winter” finally arrived in Checotah Wednesday and has made his presence known in several ways.
Quite a number of our citizens are suffering from bruises sustained in falls from slippery porches and steps and the telephone and electric line men have their hands full repairing broken wires.
Nearing Completion
The new Masonic hall is rapidly nearing completion and the officers of the lodge are very hopeful of being able to occupy the same by the first of the year.
••••• 90 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, Dec. 13, 1934
SHOT IS FATAL TO J.L. McCLURE WHILE HUNTING The accidental discharge of a shotgun while crossing a barbed wire fence about a mile north of Checotah on highway 73, proved fatal to J.L. Mc-Clure, former janitor of Checotah high school, Tuesday afternoon.
McClure’s body was found hanging on the fence by R.M. Butts and B.E. Davis of Eufaula, who were driving down the highway shortly after the accident.
••••• 80 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, July 13, 1944
Dave Stevens Joins Maritime Service
Dave Stevens, former Checotah football coach who was recently attached to the navy as an instructor in civil aeronautics, has enlisted in the U.S. merchant marine and will start active duty about August 1.
Stevens, who is on leave of absence as football coach at Southeastern State College, Durant, expects to take his basic training at St. Petersburg, Fla.
His daughter, Lynn, will make her home in Checotah for the duration.
Paper Circulation Hits Record Mark
The Democrat’s subscription list, which has been growing by leaps and bounds during the past year, reached a record high this week with a press run in excess of 1,700 papers.
The Democrat has one among the largest subscriptions lists of any weekly newspaper in eastern Oklahoma and is proud of its large family of readers.
••••• 75 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, December 15, 1949
Wildcats Defeated In State Finals, 7-0 The most savage line play ever displayed by a high school football team in Oklahoma featured the Checotah Wildcats’ bid for the state football championship in Norman last Friday night as they were edged 7 to 0 by the ponderous Wynnewood Savages in the fourth period drive.
So vicious was the Wildcats’ defensive line play that the slashing Savage offense was thrown for losses of at least 100 yards.
••••• 25 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, January 2, 1975
Corps Publishes Lakeshore Management New regulations designed to protect the environment and natural beauty of Army Corps of Engineers lake shorelines across the nation became effective upon publication in the Federal Register today.
••••• 19 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, May 11, 2006
County approves new jail tax
McIntosh County voters sent a resounding message at the polls Tuesday, passing a ½-cent sales tax measure that will go towards the construction of a new county jail facility.
According to the McIntosh County Election Board, 1,784 (83.56 percent) voted in favor of the proposition; only 351 (16.44 percent) voted against it.
••••• 10 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, January 9, 2015
Blocker contract renewed for two years
The Checotah School Board renewed Superintendent Janet Blocker’s contract for two years at the boards’ monthly meeting Monday night.
However, the vote was not unanimous. Board President Randy Godwin voted no.
Longtime Police Chief Andy Blizzard not running for re-election Checotah Chief of Police Andy Blizzard is stepping down from his job. So, give him a hug.
He’s the first to tell you, he’s a hugger. A police officer for 29 years, Blizzard doesn’t plan to retire from the department, he just feels he’s accomplished all he can and doesn’t have any new ideas so he will not be running in the next election in April.