114 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat Thursday, February 16, 1911
That Checotah is to have a cannery and one calculated to take care of the fruit and vegetables grown in this section is an assured fact. In fact the machinery, all the very latest pattern, has been ordered, the railroad company has consented to build a switch to the factory and the work on the buildings will be underway in the very short future.
May Mean New Hotel
Last week W.I. Cook purchased H.D. Kniseley’s old home at the corner of Broadway and Spaulding Avenue and a rumor gained currency that Mr. Cook was about to begin the erection of a modern three-story hotel on the site.
••••• 100 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, December 11, 1924
Radio Set for Christmas
Forrest Parrott sent his father an Atwater Kent 5-tube, loud speaking radio set for a Christmas present and Henry Wosylus has just hitched it up to a single pole 44-feet high and the results are so satisfactory that the old man is very enthusiastic over it and says that he would just like for all his old friends, enemies and everybody else to drop in of evenings to listen to one of the marvelous works of creation, that has been harnessed by the ingenuity of man for our benefit and enjoyment.
••••• 90 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, Dec. 6, 1934
Eufaula, Nov. 29 – Prosecution of the killers of Jeff Davis, wealthy Checotah Creek who was found dead at his home on September 7, was closed yesterday when a district court jury found Katie Davis, 30-year-old widow of the dead man, guilty of first-degree murder and set her punishment at life imprisonment.
The jury deliberated only 20 minutes. A life sentence was assessed Tuesday against Ellis Eaton, Katie’s first husband, who admitted he was the actual killer but who pleaded that he shot the old Indian in self-defense when Jeff struck him with a flashlight.
Jeff’s body, his skull crushed and a bullet wound over his left eye, was discovered in the living room of his small home on the east side of Checotah on the morning of Sept. 7 by B.J. Reynolds, Checotah county commissioner.
Eaton, Katie and Scott Bread, the comely widow’s 17-year-old Creek cousin, were arrested on Sept. 10, and a few days later both Katie and Bread signed confessions naming Eaton as the killer.
••••• 80 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, July 6, 1944
Keeping in Touch with Our Boys in Service The fighting Seabees have moved in on another front as testified by Kermit Milam who writes to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.P, Milam, from somewhere in France.
Milam, although a mechanics mate, is assigned to transportation duty, seeing that landed troops are fully supplied with the necessary number of jeeps, tanks and reconnaissance cars.
The Milam’s other son is a radar operator aboard a navy cruiser. Recently the joke was on Milam and his captain, who, hearing sounds on the radar which indicated a circling enemy craft, gave the orders for battle stations only to disclose the radar system had picked up the noise of an approaching squall. (Storm to you landlubbers).
Completing a four week course in specialized training at the military police training center at Barksdale Field, La., is Pvt. Glenn T. Johnson. He has now returned for further duty with the M.P.s at Warrensburg, Mo.
••••• 75 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, December 8, 1949
CLASH FRIDAY AT OWEN FIELD Whole Town to Turn Out For Football Classic The Checotah Wildcats will clash with the Wynnewood Savages for the state high school football championship in the finals of the state playoffs at Owen Field, Norman, at 7 o’clock Friday night.
The Cats advanced to the state finals after taking three victories by lopsided scores. A powerful Heavener team was crushed in the first round, 39 to 0.
Mayor Proclaims Football Holiday Mayor R. J. Koch Jr. proclaimed a half-day holiday Friday and asked the stores to close for the state championship football finals.
Checotah will play Wynnewood in Norman.
••••• 25 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, December 26, 1974
Grease Explosion Causes Damage to Patio Inn Thursday, Dec. 19, at about 3 p.m. fire struck the Patio Inn Café on the corner of Main and West Broadway.
The fire started when a faulty thermostat caused a deep fryer to overheat and the grease exploded.
••••• 19 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, May 4, 2006
State jail inspector lays it on the line State officials give ultimatum to county
McIntosh County voters hold the power to make a major decision affecting all county residents when they go to the polls on May 9.
They will decide the fate of a half-cent county sales tax that would fund the construction of a new jail facility.
Over the past few weeks county commissioners Bill Shackelford, Ronnie Layman and Bobby James, along with Sheriff Terry Jones, have spoken to county citizens about the need for a new jail.
••••• 10 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, January 2, 2015
Fire destroys tire and oil business
Hoss Durrett plans to rebuild his tire shop that was destroyed by fire Tuesday, Dec. 23, in downtown Eufaula.
Apparently, an electrical fire started soon after Lefty’s Tire and Oil Co., 613 S. Main St., closed on Tuesday. There were no injuries.
Owner Hoss Durrett was on his way home to Checotah for wife Misty’s birthday dinner when people started calling him to say his business was on fire.
Jeweler says heartfelt goodbye to community
Randy McDuffee is hanging up his jewelry tools and casting out a fishing line. He’s retiring in the next few months.
McDuffee, owner of The Jeweler’s Box, 102 S. Broadway St., since 2003, will hold a going-out-ofbusiness sale in January, February and March.