114 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat Thursday, January 26, 1911
More Than 200 Decide to Live Better Life 115 Joined Churches
The great union revival which has been under way at Tuckabatchee hall since Sunday, Jan. 8, came to a glorious close last evening with a rally in which the converts were the central figure.
It is safe to say that the old Tuckabatchee hall has housed more people since the beginning of this meeting than during the like period since it was opened to the public several years ago.
Some Hog
A monster porker tipping the beam at 585 pounds attracted considerable attention on Front Street Tuesday. His hogship had been killed and was being hauled to the slaughterhouse to be properly cared for in winter supplies.
The Tully Mercantile Co., the oldest and largest mercantile establishment in Eufaula, is closing out its stock and will soon be but a memory. When it was announced last week that the Tully store would close out its stock and quit business, the news was received with universal regret.
The store has been here so long, and has been taken so much as a matter of course, that Eufaula without the Tully store would seem a different Eufaula.
••••• 100 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, November 27, 1924
The dining room of the Gentry hotel was the scene of one of the most elaborate social affairs ever held in Checotah last Thursday night – the event being the Checotah Lions Club Ladies Night.
Ninety-six guests surrounded the festive board and everyone enjoyed the evening to the utmost; the general comment being to the effect that the affair was the most elaborate ever held in the city.
Fast driving and unfamiliarity of the road were responsible for one of the most serious auto accidents last Saturday night that has occurred near the city in several months.
John Layne, Curtis Bean and Raymon Slayter, three young men residing at Dow, Okla., were the occupants of the ill-fated car and were enroute to Pryor where they expected to take back to their home city a car left by one of them at Pryor.
Traveling at a high rate of speed, Layne, who was driving, failed to see the curve where the highway passes under the Katy tracks near Onapa and crashed into the embankment on the north side of the road.
BIG CROWDS ATTEND 3RD ANNUAL POULTRY SHOW The Third Annual Show of the McIntosh County Poultry Association held in this city last week proved beyond a question of doubt that McIntosh county citizens were becoming more interested in poultry raising.
The exhibit this year was much larger than in 1923, fully 200 more birds being exhibited than at that time and attendance was also much larger.
••••• 90 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, November 22, 1934
FERA Workers Are Finishing Pool At Park The new kiddies wading pool at the city park being constructed under direction of the FERA through funds donated by the Checotah Lions Club and local citizens will be completed in another week if favorable weather conditions prevail.
Terracing Is Begun By FERA Experts
Two McIntosh county men have recently been named by the state FERA office to run terrace lines in McIntosh county for farmers requesting this service. Lines are now being run on those farms where applications have already been made. This service is to be ended on Dec. 31.
80 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat Thursday, June 22, 1944
CHECOTAH VICE CONDITIONS HIT BY MERCHANTS Punch Board Operators Say City Should Be Cleaned Up
Punch board operators of Checotah, who were warned last week that fines were in order unless the boards were removed from their places of business, struck back this week with a proposal that all vice conditions in Checotah be stamped out in a citywide campaign.
The operator said they were unable to understand why candy punch boards should be condemned while crime is rampant in all sections of the city, and no apparent effort is made to check it.
They pointed out that bootlegging and gambling joints run rampant in Checotah, without interference from local authorities and that prostitutes roam the streets at will.
••••• 75 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, November 24, 1949
Over 2,000 County Cars Are Licensed
McIntosh county residents paid slightly over $45,000 in truck license fees last year and received in return $75,000 for county road construction the Oklahoma Tax Commission reported this week The county and cities received an additional sum of $4,244.73 from bus mileage.
Automobile registrations in the county in 1948 totaled 2,201 cars on which $20,766.05 was paid into the state treasury. Average fee per vehicle was $9.43.
HUGE HIGHWAY WORK PROGRAM OUTLINED HERE Resurfacing of three blocks of brick paving on Gentry Avenue from Second Street to the Katy Depot has been set up by the state highway commission, Paul A. Carlile, member, reported this week.
The road will be covered with an asphalt mat surface at a cost of approximately $15,000. The project was set up with state funds and will not require approval from the bureau of public roads .
Record Attendance At Heavener Tilt
A record breaking attendance of 2,664 football fans witnessed the Checotah, Heavener playoff classic last Friday night which the Wildcats won by a 39 to 0 score.
••••• 25 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, December 5, 1974
“Boys and Ghouls”
The 1975 Senior class will present the play “Boys and Ghouls, Together” Thursday, Dec. 5, in the high school auditorium beginning at 7:30 p.m.
The play portrays the eerie but comical family consisting of Count Dracula and Dr. Frankenstein’s descendants.
Eyewitness Account Of Webbers Falls Explosion On Wednesday morning, Nov. 27, five persons were critically injured in an explosion in their home at Webbers Falls. The family, still listed in critical condition in Tulsa’s Hillcrest hospital, are Bill Cosper, his wife Sue, and two sons, Bob and William and a neighborhood friend Keith Harlow.
The family noticed bubbles coming from the toilet that smelled of gas. The cause of the explosion is undetermined at this time but it is believed that a construction company that was installing a sewer system hooked the gas line into the water line.
About 15 minutes before the blast a worker who connected the lines thought he might have made a mistake and was trying to find out where to turn off the gas line when the incident occurred.
Navy Fireman Vernon L. Marion Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Spears of Checotah and whose wife Karen is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harris also of Checotah, graduated from recruit training at the Naval Training Center, San Diego.
He is scheduled to report to Machinist’s Mate A school at Great Lakes, Ill.
The training included instruction in seamanship, military regulations, firefighting, close order drill, first aid and Navy History.
••••• 18 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Belyeu new Democrat, IJ manager
Shauna Belyeu has been named the new General Manager for Kimberling City Publishing’s two McIntosh County newspapers, The Eufaula Indian Journal and The McIntosh County Democrat.
Belyeu, who will continue to serve as the advertising manager for the newspapers, received the promotion after publisher Darrell Sumner took over managerial duties at a newspaper in Bristow.
Belyeu has worked at the IJ and The Democrat for the last six years.
Sigma coming to Checotah?
A final announcement has yet to be made regarding the possible construction of a new $50 million food production facility in Checotah by Sigma Alimentos, a leading Mexican frozen food producer/ distributor.
According to Mayor Jay Hayes, however, the declaration from company executives is expected to be announced any day.
The new factory/distribution center would immediately bring 200 new jobs to Checotah (expanding to 300 with average wages at $10 per hour). However, two other cities are currently in the running for the new site: Seminole, only 70 miles to the west, and Longview, Tex.
Hayes, though, remains optimistic and appreciative of Checotah’s efforts thus far to secure the new facility.
Hayes announce bid for state representative Three-term Checotah Mayor Jay Hayes has formally announced his intention to seek the Democratic nomination for the Oklahoma House of Representatives (District 15).
••••• 10 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Boy Scout Charles Farrow attains Eagle rank Charles Farrow of Checotah Boy Scout Troop 642 was awarded the rank of Eagle Scout at a ceremony held Saturday, Dec. 6.
Those who attended the event included his father, Dr. Ed Farrow (assistant scoutmaster); mother, Kathy; brother, Nick; sister, Rachel and friend Jake; sister-in-law Erin; niece Julie Ann and fellow Scouts of Troop 642; his former Scout leaders and many friends.
Children’s Christmas enriched by Toys for Tots gifts.
Volunteers are still tallying up the figures on how much money was donated to this year’ s McIntosh County’s Toys campaign, which puts toys and other items under Christmas trees of needy children.
“It’s about $18,000, probably a little more this year,” said Pam Jones, a spokesman for the nonprofit organization. “The past couple of years it was a little slow, but it picked up this year.”
Parents bound over on child abuse charges
If the facts in this case are true, this is not a crime story one would like to read at Christmastime – or anytime for that matter.
A McIntosh County mother and father, parents to eight adopted children and one natural child, were bound over for trail following a preliminary hearing Dec. 10 on charges related to child abuse.