114 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat Thursday, September 15, 1910
Sewer Proposition to be Presented to the People Oct. 11
In another column of this issue will be found ordinance No. 130 entitled “An Ordinance Relative to the Construction of a Sanitary Sewer System in the City of Checotah.”
This ordinance was prepared with special care and formally passed the council at a meeting of that body Sept. 1, but its publication was held up pending the visit of the state board of health to pass upon the outlets and the mode of caring for the sewerage.
All that now remains to make this permanent improvement a fact is its endorsement by the taxpaying voters of Checotah.
The date designated for the election is Oc.t 11 and very citizen taxpayer will have the opportunity to express his preference.
It must be said that no city of any consequence can get along without this permanent improvement if it expects to develop and thrive. Nearly every interest demands it.
To illustrate, Mr. C.C. Brown proposes building a magnificent three-story hotel midway in the block on Gentry Avenue and sewerage is almost a necessity in any well conducted hostelry.
Youthful Pilferers
During Saturday afternoon Naron & Crawford’s safe was riffled of three crisp ten dollar bills and for a time Mr. Naron was at sea as to the perpetrators of the act.
A citizen, however, noted a trio of small boys spending money with a free hand and reported the matter of Mr. Naron.
The lads were approached but in turn they attempted to shift the blame onto other shoulders.
Thus, the matter stood until Monday night when one of the boys confessed that he purloined the bills, implicating two other lads as accomplices.
“Hung Out” Big Wash
Things were uncommonly lively about the Checotah laundry last week, Mr. Romans, the proprietor, being compelled to work night and day.
This extra time was necessary by the fact that this establishment was awarded the contract for laundering the winter bed covering for the Female academy in Eufaula. In all, 275 pairs of blankets were cleansed and prepared for use during the coming winter months.
It was an undertaking of no mean proportion but was executed most satisfactorily.
••••• 100 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, August 14, 1924
Because a number of our residents mistook rabies for black tongue several are taking rabies serum treatment for protection.
About a week ago several of the town dogs became afflicted with dumb rabies and the owners thought the animals had sore mouth or black tongue. In the case of dumb rabies, the animals do not show the usual symptoms of the common form of rabies.
In the case of dumb rabies, the lower jaw becomes paralyzed, and the vocal cords become changed and make the cry of the dog different from the usual note.
Auto Accident South of Town
Quite a serious auto accident occurred early Monday morning on the highway two miles south of town. A family by the name of Lucas were on their way to Sapulpa where they expected to reside. A 13-year-old boy was at the wheel, and it seems he momentarily went to sleep when the car and occupants were hurled into the ditch.
Two of the party were severely but not seriously injured and after medical attention continued their journey. A passerby who stopped to help them in their trouble was also knocked down by another passing auto but was not seriously injured.
••••• 90 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, August 9, 1934
State Endured Hottest July in History
A resume of complete July weather reports today showed the month to have been the driest as well as the hottest in the history of Oklahoma.
Its average 88-degree temperature is 6.6 degrees above the July 1901 previously the hottest month on record.
L. K. Sharpe, mayor and well-known dry goods merchant of Checotah, was elected president of the American Retailers Association, according to a telegram received from the Retailers Convention in St. Louis.
••••• 80 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, February 24, 1944
Very stalwart and trim in the green uniform of the Marine paratrooper is Pfc. Carl Newberry Jr. who is home from the South Pacific to spend a 30day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Newberry Sr.
The stars worn on the long service ribbon pinned to his blouse are silent symbols of the intense fighting he underwent in the battles of Villa La Villa and Bougainville, where the Marines are still feeling the sting of Jap snipers.
David Herron Dies Aboard U.S. Cruiser Word has been received by Mr. and Mrs. Rant Herron of the Onapa community that their son, David, has been killed in action somewhere in the Pacific.
David was a member of the crew of a U.S. cruiser and had seen considerable action in the Pacific.
••••• 75 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, August 11, 1949
Col. Davis, new chief of army engineers of the Tulsa office, visited in Checotah Wednesday sounding out public sentiment on the North Canadian river dam proposals.
The colonel stated that funds would probably be set up to start construction work after congress convenes in January.
He said it was the intention of the engineers to build the type of dam desired by the majority of the residents of the area.
Although nine out of ten residents in eastern Oklahoma are said to favor the single dam over the two-dam proposition finally advanced by the engineers, he said that the Washington office was still in favor of the Onapa project calling for two dams, simply because of a purported savings of $27 million.
Pvt. Floyd R. Patterson, 17, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel O. Patterson of Checotah, is currently serving with Co. C, 32nd Infantry Regiment,7th Infantry Division in their occupation duties in northern Japan.
Pvt. Patteron entered the army a year ago in Roswell, N.M. From there he was sent to Fort Ord, Calif., for his initial training.
••••• 50 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, August 15, 1974
Rick Brewer, city officer, needs your help Rick Brewer is 21 years old. At age 18 he became the youngest police officer in the country by joining the Checotah Police Department. He is married to the former Checotah All State Basketball star Patsy Lawhorn, and they have two children, ages 1 and 2.
Rick is suffering from a rare circulation disease called Buergers. There is no cure.
••••• 19 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, November October 2, 2005
Hundreds of volunteer and full-time firefighters from as far away as Dallas and Ft. Smith, Ark., continue to battle runaway wildfires that have already destroyed hundreds of acres and dozens of homes in and around McIntosh County.
Fueled by ongoing drought conditions and this weekend’s gale force winds (some gusts are reported to have surged upwards of 75 miles per hour), the wildfires jumped highways, killed an as-yetunknown number of livestock, destroyed hundreds of bales of hay and completely consumed at least 25 homes from Stidham to Checotah.
••••• 10 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Checotah playing major role in dam anniversary project
Chris Whelan, principal at Eufaula Middle School, held up the official Lake Eufaula Dedication Edition of the McIntosh County Democrat dated Sept, 14, 1964.
It is just one of the many artifact Whelan and his students have acquired while doing a history project on the 50th anniversary of the dedication of the Lake Eufaula Dam.