Members of McIntosh County GOP have been busy planning and working hard for the residents of the county. We’ve missed having our meetings with all of you but are looking forward to our meeting on October 17 at the VFW to end our summer break. We hope to have a fantastic speaker who will educate all of us on ways that we can continue to battle to help keep the county a great place for all of us to live, work and raise our children. We have some Trump drives coming up the first Saturday in October as well as others which will be held around other areas of the state, if you are interested in participating, please email us at McIntoshGOP@ We also want to remind voters that we have a runoff election on August 27 and to PLEASE get out and vote. There is only one race on the ballot and that is the District 2 County Commissioner and McIntosh GOP county committee has voted unanimously to endorse Monty Grider. We believe Monty has done a phenomenal job of raising funds, building interpersonal relationships, and has worked hard for the District 2 residents. His vision includes getting more roads repaired, finishing up the courthouse renovation, and continuing to put the needs of the residents as his top priority. As a former U.S. Marine Monty also worked in engineering and has a servant’s heart and strong work ethic. District 2 includes all those who vote at the Eufaula Library (Precinct 201), Under One Roof (Precinct 203), and Texanna Fire Dept (Precinct 205). Early voting will begin Thursday, August 22 and continue through Saturday, August 24. For more information please go to McIntosh County GOP Facebook page or text 918.617.6124.
We held a going away party for our former Vice Chair, Dawn Warren and her husband, Dale, and welcomed a new Vice Chair, Betty Morrison and her husband, Sam, as our new State Committee Member. They have been involved in our party for quite some time and they have deep roots in Mcintosh County. We will miss Dale and Dawn, but are looking forward to the future with Sam and Betty. Dawn’s mama is staying so hopefully we can still get an occasional steaming hot, straight out of the oven, apple pie for our door prize offering!
Please do not forget to vote on August 27– voting is a duty which we should never ignore. The only way for evil to thrive is for good men (and women) to do nothing. PLEASE VOTE!