114 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat Thursday, September 1, 1910
The Rapid Growth of Checotah Demands a Sanitary Sewer System
There are a number of good, and at the same time valid, reasons why Checotah should have a sanitary sewer system and the sooner it is installed the better for every citizen of our growing city In the very first place it will enhance the value of every foot of realty in town, for one of the very first queries asked by a stranger seeking a city location is regarding sewerage, and from a sanitary point of view it is absolutely necessary.
Jones & Co. who recently overhauled and reopened the meat market at the old stand on South Front Street and were doing a splendid trade, on Tuesday evening transferred the business to W.H. Allen and W.F. Smith and the new firm is to be know as Allen & Smith.
The timbers are on the ground on the farm of Pres Wilson five miles north and west of this city and the cable and accessories necessary to sink an oil well arrived here Monday and were hauled to the site.
Mr. Wilson some time ago leased his land for oil prospecting, the contract stipulating that the work should begin in a given period. This lease lies in the Wainwright pool and is the first prospecting within a reasonable distance from Checotah and the result will be watched with deep interest.
••••• 100 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, July 24, 1924
County Good Roads Association
On Wednesday of this week several members of the Chamber of Commerce of Muskogee met with a representative number of citizens form Checotah and Eufaula and organized a County Good Roads Association.
Pie Supper at Shady Grove
There will be a pie supper at Shady Grove school house Friday night of this week given for the benefit of the school. Everybody invited.
••••• 90 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, July 26, 1934
Wife of Eastman Jr. Asks for $50,000 Cash in Divorce Case The marriage of Eastman Richards Jr., wealthy Creek Indian, went on the rocks in Eufaula this week as his wife, Marie Richards, filed suit in district court seeking divorce, $50,000 alimony and custody of their child.
Mrs. Richards in her petition charged the rich Creek with extreme cruelty and gross neglect of duty. She claims Richards frequently cursed and abused her and, on several occasions, had threatened her life.
The Richards were married September 4, 1933. They have one child named Wesley Lee, born May 17, 1934.
Clearing is Begun on City Lake Site
Clearing of the site for the Checotah lake about one mile and a half west of Onapa was scheduled to begin Thursday morning, it was stated this week.
The project has been approved by both county and state FERA heads and all labor will be furnished the city free with the exception of supervision which the city must furnish.
Fifty-five acres of land will be cleared of trees and underbrush, although the lake proper will cover only 36.5 acres when filled.
The job will probably take three months.
Drought Situation Nearing Disaster
Visibly worried over the drought situation, Secretary Wallace said today that three more weeks without rain in the parched areas would mean a “really serious” crisis.
The farm administration, the federal relief administration, were busy with plans for speedy disposal of cattle bought by the government and outlining other relief steps which may be taken in the Midwest.
••••• 80 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, February 10, 1944
Lt. Jim Lucas To Speak At District Scout Rally
Jim Lucas, Checotah’s famed combat correspondent, who gained national recognition for his eyewitness account of the conquest of Tarawa, will be the principal speaker at the district Boy Scout banquet to be held at the high school auditorium, Thursday, February 17.
A record-breaking attendance is anticipated by L.K. Sharpe, district chairman.
City Council Warns Owners Of Poultry A warning was sounded by members of the city council this week to persons who are permitting chickens to run at large within the city limits.
Complaints have already been registered by property owners, whose early gardens have been damaged.
75 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat Thursday, July 28, 1949
Commissioners in McIntosh County spent a record sum of $105,126 for construction and maintenance of county roads during the past year, it was indicated in figures released this week by the Oklahoma Public Expenditures Council.
SCHOOL COSTS REACH RECORD PEAK IN CITY Expense of operating the Checotah school system during the next fiscal year will be increased from $86,450 to $108,300, it is indicated in the budget prepared by the board of education.
Techers salaries, which were raised by the state legislature, account for the greatest increase in the budget. The figure is upped form $64,900 last year to 83,450 in the new budget.
••••• 50 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, August 1, 1974
Coon Hunters to hold political rally
The McIntosh County Coon Hunter’s Association will hold a political rally and pie supper Friday, Aug. 9, two miles east, two miles north and one mile east (old Mr. Zion school), beginning at 7:30. Everyone is invited.
••••• 19 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Checotah celebrates Veterans’ Day in ’05 style Checotah proved their extreme community pride and dignity Friday during the Veterans’ Days activities that echoed through the town all day.
••••• 10 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Scout Chaz Farrow to soar with the Eagles The open lawn behind the Katy Depot Museum and Information Center was bare until Charles (Chaz) Farrow came up with an idea for his Eagle Scout project.
To earn the Eagle rank, he and his Boy Scouts of America Checotah Troop 642 and the Warner Explorer Post 601 built a sidewalk, sitting area with benches and a fire pit on July 12.
Chaz’s father, Ed “Doc” Farrow, Scout troop chair, said it was a city and community project for both groups.
At 106, Miss Ida still as sweet as apple cider You can call her Miss Ida or Granny or Grandma or Aunt Ida, but don’t call her Ida. That’s disrespectful, she said, and at the age of 106, she’s earned the right to be called whatever she wants.
“I’ve got enough love for all of y’all,” she said.