114 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat Thursday, August 25, 1910
Several months ago Mr. C.C. Brown, who has been conducting a general store here, conceived the idea that the hotel accommodations were inadequate to the growth of the city and announced to his friends that in the near future he would likely retire from the mercantile business, erect a first class hotel and thereafter devote his time as “mine host.”
He is now about to fulfill that promise and is busily engaged in closing out his stock of goods and laying his plans to begin work on the hostelry. The structure is to be 56 x 117 feet and will contain 50 guest rooms on the second and third floors, 12 of which are to be supplied with a private bath.
The office and dining room will be on the ground floor.
••••• 100 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, July 17, 1924
Young Coolidge Doomed
A great surgeon says young Calvin Coolidge Jr. was doomed from the first. Medical science is virtually unable to cope with the staphylococcus, one of the most deadly forms of bacteria of the groups of germs causing blood poison.
••••• 90 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, July 19, 1934
DROUGHT RUINS COUNTY CROPS; OFFER PRAYER Under a record-breaking heat wave which has sent the temperatures above the 100-degree mark practically every day since the first of July, crops have wilted, and livestock has suffered in one of the most widespread losses ever known in McIntosh County.
The situation became so serious that citizens of Checotah and farmers in the surrounding vicinity were asked to pray for rain early this week, but the sun kept beaming down and the inhabitants of the county continued to swelter.
The corn crop has been cut at least two thirds by the unprecedented heat wave. The oat crop likewise was materially damaged, cutting the yield at least 50 percent.
Two Beer Parlors Open in City
Checotah may be one of the driest towns in Oklahoma as far as the weather is concerned, but when it comes to 3.2 beer it takes the cake.
For the past year the citizens have barely managed to get along with only two beer parlors.
This week plans were made for the installation of two more which will bring the local total to four. In other sections of the state the beer business is said to be dropping off considerable and lots of dealers are not renewing their licenses.
Qualls Convicted in Federal Court
Ebb E. Qualls of Ryal who is in the run-off with Oscar Smith for county commissioner in the third district was convicted of buying votes with liquor at his trial before Federal Judge R.L. Williams in Muskogee Thursday morning.
Qualls was sentenced to a term in the federal penitentiary at El Reno. The judge stated that if Qualls was elected, he would have to serve as commissioner while in the pen.
••••• 80 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, February 3, 1944
Area Soldier Returning Home
Lloyd Murray, U.S. soldier, has at long last returned to the States leaving he South Pacific for an army hospital at Temple, Texas.
Murray, who hails from Hitchita and was a former member of the Checotah C.C.C., has been seriously ill with tropical fever. He declares fervently that few things have ever looked so beautiful as did the Golden Gate on Jan. 5 when he approached home sail.
Murray says he never expects to be the same riproaring fellow he was but is plenty grateful to be able to settle for jut half the old way of life.
Funeral Set Friday for Phillip Winkle, 96 Phillip Winkle, 96, last charter member of the Checotah Masonic Lodge, died at his home near Texanna Tuesday after a short illness.
Winkle was born in Knoxville, Tenn., April 8, 1848, one year before the California gold rush. He was married to Anneberry Langford 71 years ago. They were the parents of eight children, six of whom survive.
Mr. Winkle moved to McIntosh County in Indian Territory days and established his home. He has been a member of the Methodist church for the past 70 years.
••••• 75 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, July 21, 1949
Pierce School Plant to Start Operation
Pierce public schools will begin the regular school term Monday with all busses making the regular routes, Dan D. Draper, superintendent, states.
The school cafeteria will operate as usual, however, regular 20 meal tickets will be sold instead of one for each week as has been the custom in the past. The tickets will sell for 15 cents per meal, which will amount to $3 for each student.
The Warrior school will not operate a hot lunch program until a later day.
Veterans to Start Cab Business Here
The Veterans Cab Co., operated by Kermit Milam and Brady Farris, will go into service in Checotah Saturday, it has been announced. Both operators of the proposed cab line saw service overseas in the recent war.
••••• 50 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, August 15, 1974
69 Bypass opens
A ribbon-cutting ceremony was held last week for the recently completed 69 Bypass.
Attending the ceremony were Gov. David Hall and some of the local highway workers that made the bypass a reality.
Among those in attendance were Hall, State Sen. Ken Butler, Leo Wynn and Highway Commissioner D.K. Swon.
Local attorney Miliam King and onetime state legislator gave the invocation at the ceremony.
••••• 19 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Massive blaze destroys acreage, buildings, hay On Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 2, a massive grass fire broke out near the Shady Grove area, just southeast of Checotah. Apparently starting from a resident burning trash, the fire soon jumped from the controlled area into wooded and grassy areas nearby.
The exact location of the fire was reported to be just off I-40 on the Texanna/Porum Landing exit, then four miles to Ed Klockler’s corner and three more miles east.
••••• 10 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, August 8, 2014
Prayers precede school board meeting
Fair seemed to be the main thing the support personnel, teachers and the Checotah School Board had in common during a regular board meeting Monday, Aug. 4, at the Longfellow Building.
School custodian Ronnie Jones, a member of New Life United Pentecostal Church, notified local pastors and fellow staff members about having a “prayer rally” before the 6 p.m. board meeting. There has been tension between the support personnel and Superintendent Janet Blocker over a decrease in a few days worked, which means a lower salary for most.