114 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat Thursday, July 28, 1910
The regular session of the city council last Thursday night was full of business from start to finish. All members were present excepting Alderman Plumley who was out of the city.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved and immediately following the matter of a new cemetery was taken up and freely discussed.
The cemetery committee had been casting about for a location and its report showed that the Lizzie Grayson allotment southwest quarter of section 5, township 11 range 17 east was the most available as a site and on motion the committee was authorized to make the deal, the consideration to be $30 per acre.
Injured by a Horse
Z.A. Pitts, delivery driver for the Hutchinson Mer. Co., had an extremely close call for his life Tuesday morning.
He had taken one of the delivery horses to the shop to be shod and the animal proved a tarter, refusing to have shoes put on his feet with an effort on his part.
In fact, he became so demonstrative that he was walking around on his hind feet and without warning made a lunge, coming down on Mr. Pitts with such force as to render him unconscious for a short time and badly bruising him.
The smithy was as firm in his determination to shoe him as he seemed averse to being shod and in a short time had his horseship on his side and securely tied and in this manner, he finished the job.
Mr. Pitts’ injuries are not serious, but he will be unable to ride the wagon for a few days.
••••• 100 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, June 19, 1924
Checotah people will have the opportunity to see some real sport in the roundup and rodeo line on June 28 and 29 in the first annual event of the kind to be held here.
The aviation field, south of the smelter, has been secured, and arrangements are being made for a real show, which is being sponsored by Arnall Post American Legion.
The events will include calf roping, bronc riding, wild cow milking, goat roping and other cowboy sports.
Serious Auto Accident East of Checotah A serous auto accident occurred last Sunday afternoon on the road just east of the Soda Springs school house.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wright and daughter, Agnes, Mrs. J.R. Crabtree and Russell Creager and daughter, Marion, of Muskogee, were occupants of the car with Mr. Wright at the wheel.
It seems that Mr. Creager thought the driver had lost control of the car and grabbed the wheel with the result that the car was completely upturned in a ditch with the occupants underneath.
Fortunately the occupants were not seriously injured.
••••• 80 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, December 30, 1943
Methodists Hear Talk By Aviator
Capt. Howard Freese, of the American Eighth Air Force, who recently completed 25 missions over enemy territory, gave a graphic account of his experiences in an informal talk to the members of the Methodist Brotherhood on Wednesday evening. The captain recently returned to America for a new assignment and is spending a brief interlude with his mother, Mrs. Lyle C. Wilson, and family.
Soldiers Entertained At Christmas Party The Checotah USO entertained the soldier guests of the city with a party on Christmas afternoon.
A beautifully lighted tree and other holiday decorations added a note of cheer to the surroundings. Gifts were provided for every soldier and refreshments were served.
The USO also had open house on Sunday afternoon with entertainment and refreshments provided for the men
Cold Waves Fade As Sun Thaws Ice
Checotah began emerging from a frigid wave Tuesday with sunshine melting away the ice and thawing the hard frozen earth.
Temperatures dropped to 10 above zero Sunday night and the cold wave continued for three days.
This is the second cold spell to hit Oklahoma during the past few weeks.
••••• 75 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, June 23, 1949
PROHIBITION REPEAL STALLS STATE POLITICAL ACTIVITY FRONT Jim Nance Is Probable Candidate For Governor The election on repeal of prohibition has definitely postponed developments looking to the 1960 gubernatorial campaign until the issue is settled No prospective candidate for the democratic nomination for governor is going to venture into the campaign until after the vote on repeal September 27 and action of the subsequent special session of the legislature if repeal is voted.
A three-way tie for the top spot in the city softball league is held by the Methodists, American Legion and Lions club teams, each of which has won two and lost one in the seasons play.
••••• 50 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, July 18, 1974
Sewer-Water Project Nears Completion Water and sewer improvements in Checotah are nearing completion, according to an official of Breisch Engineering, reports that the construction of a 500,000 gallon storage tank within the Checotah industrial park will begin next month and upon completion will fetish the city’s water and sewer improvement project.
••••• 19 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, October 6, 2005
Public voices support for Creek Nation gaming possibilities at meeting
Creek Nation leaders have scheduled a public meeting for 11 a.m. today at the dining hall area of the Eufaula Boarding School located on Swadley Drive.
The purpose of the meeting? To open up discussion concerning possible casino gaming at the newly acquired Fountainead Resort, and to “Seek support from groups both private and public in forms of letters or resolutions”
Jail inspector gives county 120 days to act on new jail
Oklahoma Jail Inspector Don Garrison attended the weekly McIntosh County commissioner’s meeting Monday, essentially giving them 120 days to act upon planning the building of a new county jail.
••••• 10 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Park program a hit without electronics
Four square, jump rope, soccer, football, softball and playing on the playground equipment – it must be summertime at Bessie Tabor Park in Checotah.
There are no electronic devises to distract about 25 children from ages 6 to 14 as they played games with each other, laughed, talked and had a snack of a fruit drink and two cookies.
The park program sponsored by the City of Checotah runs from 8 a.m. to noon weekdays June 16 to July 11.