114 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat Thursday, July 21, 1910
The mayor and every member of the council was present at the meeting last Thursday night.
The session was more in the nature of a public meeting, and a large number of citizens were brought together at Tuckabatchee Hall following a number of selections by the band.
Four competent civil engineers from as many localities were present and gave data and information concerning sewerage.
Bill Thornberry Shot and Killed Last Evening Bill Thornberry, a well-known character residing several miles south of Hoffman, has pulled his last trigger of a six-shooter and will never again be a menace to those who were not classed as his friends.
About 5 o’clock last evening William Sutton and Thornberry met in the road a short distance south of Hoffman and almost immediately hostilities were opened. Thornberry, it is alleged, was being the aggressor by pulling his gun and firing twice at Sutton.
The latter at once drew his revolver and fired six shots in rapid succession, and Thornberry fell, pierced at a vital spot and expired almost instantly.
••••• 100 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, June 12, 1924
The businessmen of Checotah last week raised in the neighborhood of $400 to purchase Darso to be given to farmers for seed.
The plan decided on was to give every farmer in Checotah’s territory enough seed to plant two acres and if he desires to plant three additional acres, sell it to him at cost and take a note until fall without interest.
Everyone should realize the need for a feed crop. Every wagon load of feed that goes out on the farm means about $50 sent out of the county to some northern mill. We can raise this feed in this county instead of using cotton money to buy feed.
Darso is a new grain sorghum that has special value as a late planted feed crop.
••••• 80 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, December 16, 1943
FORTRESS PILOT TELLS OF TRIPS OVER GERMANY Howard Freese Home After Finishing 25 Missions Back to this country after the successful completion of 25 missions over enemy territory, comes Captain Howard Freese, son of Dr. and Mrs. Lyle Wilson of Checotah.
While based in England, where he arrived 15 months ago, Freese piloted his bomber “The Jack Frost and His Icicles” on 16 bombing raids over occupied Europe.
Targets were submarine pens, shipyards and locomotive factories so heavily fortified and well defended that Freese says “the flak was often heavy enough for you to let down your wheels and land on it.”
The Stars And Bars
Keeping In Touch With Our Boys In The Service Sgt. Cletus Prokup, who is in a reconnaissance unit in the 45th Division, has opened up an entirely new picture of German army rations. It seems that in recent battles in Italy Prokup’s outfit captured a German supply depot and with it the Americans found to their great satisfaction a vast store of Irish potatoes, canned meat, sugar-cured and smoked hams, frozen fruit, chocolates and cigarettes.
••••• 75 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, June 16, 1949
Election Is Called To Decide Repeal Of Liquor Laws
Oklahoma voters will decide upon repeal of prohibition at the special election September 27.
Gov. Turner Wednesday announced he will call for an election on the initiative petition for the repeal amendment at the same time his proposed $36 million building bond issue is voted on.
Onapa Farmer Trucked Melons From Texas Valley Clarence Liles, prominent Onapa farmer and trucker, was instantly killed early Monday morning in an accident near Kiowa.
Liles was accompanied by Albert Ray Matthews, who was driving Liles’ truck when it smashed headon into the steel girders of a bridge as the truck rounded a sweeping curve. Matthews said the steering gear locked and that he was unable to straighten out the machine.
Liles was killed instantly when 17 tons of watermelons came crashing through the cab. He suffered a fractured skull, broken neck and other injuries.
••••• 50 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat Thursday, July 11, 1974
Jack Williams Is Elected To District Chairman Post
Jack Dean Williams, owner and operator of Williams General Store, Onapa, was elected to the post of Party Chairman for the Democratic Party, District #2 at a recent meeting of the Central Committee.
Jack and his wife Polly reside at Onapa with their daughter, Sarah. Another daughter, Jackie, is currently home for summer vacation from her studies at Southeastern State College in Durant.
Dick Martin Active In Boren Campaign A committee of Oklahoma cattlemen today criticized gubernatorial hopeful Clem McSpadden for deserting a powerful seat in Congress to become a candidate for governor. They made their statement as part of an announcement for the formation of a statewide committee of cattlemen supporting David Boren for Governor.
••••• 19 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Deputy involved in wreck while pursuing kidnapping call Sunday evening the McIntosh County Sheriff ’s Department received a possible kidnapping call. While enroute to Central High, just west of Checotah, Sheriff ’s Deputy Orlando Crabtree came up behind a vehicle that was pulled off to the side of the road. The vehicle, apparently not seeing Crabtree’s unit, made a turn into a driveway and was struck by the county vehicle.
Prices at pump might stay put after Hurricane Rita
The dramatic surge in gas prices after Hurricane Katrina hit the gulf coast earlier this month left McIntosh County drivers scrounging for change in their couch cushions just to fill up their tanks.
Oil prices slid Monday, holding below $64 a barrel as markets reacted to reports of relatively light damage to a crucial U.S. petroleum processing zone in Texas. Light sweet crude from November delivery fell 69 cents to $63.50 a barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange.
A gallon of regular unleaded in Eufaula remained unchanged over the weekend at $2.59.
••••• 10 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Imogene Duvall, Class of ’64, Honored
Continuing the tradition begun in 1989 to honor a special Checotah graduate during alumni weekend, Imogene Frazier Duvall – Class of 1964 – was chosen the 2014 Significant Alumna by the Checotah Landmark Preservation Society.