To the editor: Lately there has been much BUGABOO about how the Israeli government has been conducting its war against the terrorist group Hamas.
The Muslim Brotherhood was founded in 1928 by Hassan al-Banna, an Islamic fundamentalist who was an open admirer of Adolf Hitler, and had Hitler’s Mein Kampf translated into Arabic in the 1930s as a text to guide his followers.
Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, a founder of Hamas and a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, publicly declared that “reconciliation with Jews is a crime.”
Hamas is the creation of the Muslim Brotherhood, the inspirer of Al Qaeda and the global Islamic jihad.
Given that hatred for Jews is the animating passion of the Hamas militants, their response to Israel’s unilateral withdrawal from Gaza in 2005 was not surprising. Hamas regarded the Israeli withdrawal as a surrender to its terrorist attacks and an opportunity to escalate their terror. No wonder Israel is not surrendering now.
As far as the killing of innocent civilians, the Israeli military notifies civilians well ahead of time they will be attacking their area and they should leave for their own safety. It’s Hamas that won’t let the civilians leave areas because they use the dead and wounded for propaganda against Israel.
Arab and Western revisionists have turned history on its head to portray the Jewish war of survival as a racist, imperialist plot to expel Palestinians from Palestine. This is an utter distortion of the historical record.
The term Palestine Mandate is a European reference to a geographical section of the defeated Turkish empire.
The claim that there was a Palestinian nation from which ethnic Palestinians were expelled and which Israel now “occupies” illegally is a political lie.
So, maybe left-wing radicals need to get over themselves and maybe someone, to paraphrase Jeff Foxworthy expressing a political point of view, just might be an uninformed redneck.
Gary Burch Eufaula
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