114 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat Thursday, June 30, 1910
Checotah to Have a Real Live Commercial Club If present plans do not miscarry, Checotah will soon have a wide awake Commercial club.
A meeting of the citizens of Checotah was held at Tuckabatchee hall last Friday night, the objective to begin to secure the consensus of opinion as to the advisability and the possibility of putting a real live commercial club into existence in Checotah.
Fully half a hundred representative citizens congregated following a number of selections by the band and most of them took part in deliberations.
Indian Agency Discontinued
Upon the recommendation of Indian Agent Dana H. Kelsey the secretary of the interior has ordered the removal of the headquarters of Fred Cook from this city to Muskogee and hereafter the business of the agency for McIntosh, Wagoner and Muskogee counties will be carried on at Muskogee.
Shooting on Deep Fork
News of a shooting scrape on Deep Fork, four miles northeast of Pierce, last Sunday reached this city the first of the week. It is alleged that Richard Eastman was endeavoring to induce a man named Hicks to moderate his language when the latter whipped out a gun and show Eastman, the ball passing entirely through his body. Hicks was taken into custody and at last accounts the wounded man was in a precarious condition.
Fined For Gun Toting
During a game of ball at Pierce Sunday an officer noted a man whom he thought was toting a gun and deputizing a citizen approached the man and made known the mission. Like a flash the fellow drew a “forty-five” and covered the officer and at the same time the chum in the vehicle laid whip to the horses and disappeared. The deputized officer secured a horse, and some time afterward discovered his man lying in the woods.
Covering him with his steel ball gun he ordered him to surrender which the fellow did with alacrity.
Taking him before Pierce’s minion of the law, that worthy assessed him the neat sum of $25 and also gave him 30 days in the county jail.
••••• 100 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, May 22, 1924
With the presentation of the 46 diplomas to the graduates of the Checotah high school Friday night, the schools closed one of the most successful years in the history of the system.
The auditorium was filled to capacity as a fitting tribute to the pupils who had worked so faithfully to complete their high school course, and everyone enjoyed the exercises to the utmost.
Jackie Coogan in “Circus Days”
Amid the fanfare of trumpets, the piercing notes of a steam calliope, the prancing of horses, the squealing of monkeys and the roaring of lions, Jackie Coogan runs away and joins a circus in “Circus Days” which comes to he Cozy Friday and Saturday.
••••• 80 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, November 25, 1943
James Green Missing In Italian Theater
Pvt. James C. Green, son of Mr. And Mrs. Arch C. Green of Checotah is missing in action in the Mediterranean theater of operations, the War Department announced Thursday. Green was thought to have been a member of the American Fifth Army which is pushing its way toward Rome.
His parents still hold hopes that he is alive and a prisoner of the Germans.
Green received the Democrat regularly each week
Sharpe Remodels Interior Of Store
The Sharpe Dry Goods store is undergoing extensive remodeling prior to the opening of the holiday shopping spree.
New oak floors have been laid throughout the store and the ladies read-to-wear department has been rearranged.
Painters are now busy putting the finishing touches on interior decorations, which will add much to the beauty of the store.
Checotah Falls Short In War Fund Drive The War Fund Drive in Checotah is still $600 short of the quota, it was reported this week by C.P. Futrell, city campaign chairman.
Total collections to date mount to $2,014.70, while the quota in the city is $2,656.25.
Futrell expressed the opinion that Checotah would still reach its quota, if those who have not been contacted will make their contribution to the war effort at the Peoples National bank or to any of the regular campaign solicitors.
The city of Eufaula, which had a quota of $3,100, has already exceeded its quota.
••••• 75 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, May 26, 1949
Clyde Rorex, prominent Checotah farmer, was awarded the Soda Springs school house in a decision rendered by District Judge W. A. Lackey Wednesday.
This unusual turn of events came about following the purchase of the land adjoining the school building several years ago. After securing the deed from the original owner, Rorex found that the school site was at one time a part of his place and that in the event the school was ever abandoned for classroom purposes, the land and building would revert to the original property owner.
Members of the Checotah school boar closed the school about eight years ago and have transported all Soda Springs students to the Checotah district since that time.
Soda Springs is in the Checotah independent school district.
Value of the building was placed at around $1,000.
State to Start Paving Project Here in August Paving of Highway 266 from Checotah seven miles west to the “Y” is expected to get underway shortly, after July 1, the state highway commission announced this week.
The project calls for an estimated expenditure of $660,000 for concrete paving over the route.
••••• 50 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, June 13, 1974
Jones Enlists
Ivie Lee Jones, son of Mrs. Neoma Cunningham of Rentiesville, has enlisted in the U.S. Air Force. Jones is a 1974 graduate of Checotah High School. He will undergo training at Lackland AFG, Texas for six weeks.
Jones has selected a guaranteed job as a Security Specialist for a four year tour.
Shurden to Run For Commissioner
After much consideration and encouragement by many friends who are very concerned about the conditions of the roads throughout the district I have decided to announce that I will be a Democratic Candidate for County Commissioner District 3, McIntosh County.
Frank Shurden
••••• 19 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, September 8, 2005
County in desperate need of new jail Prisoners flee from roof-top last week
McIntosh County Sheriff Terry Jones has a devastating problem on his hands. Not only does he have to worry about covering over 620 miles of shoreline with only nine deputies, but he also has to worry about prisoners escaping from the dilapidate county jail.
“We’ve got a sorry jail that needs to be rebuilt,” said Jones. “The citizens of McIntosh County need to know that we need a new jail … it’s about to fall down.”
••••• 10 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Board cuts salaries over objections
Watching the Checotah School Board special meeting Monday, was like watching a polite boxing match with a few snippy undertones here and there.
After a three and one-half hour meeting, the board approved the salary cuts and left the employees wondering what to do next.
Checotah hero remembered at dedication ceremony Courage, will and determination are three words that describe the traits of the late Paul Henry Carr, according to Commander E.G. “Ned” Bagley III, U.S. Navy (Retired).
Bagley came from Virginia to be guest speaker at the Dedication Ceremony of the Paul Henry Carr Exhibit at 10 a.m. Saturday, June 7, at the Katy Depot Museum and Information Center in Checotah.