Registered Democrats can sit out the June 18 Primary Election. No one in their party will be on the ballot, making this party entirely Republican.
Anyone who doesn’t want to wait in a long line of voters can vote early at the courthouse on Thursday and Friday, June 13 and 14, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday, June 15 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
It isn’t surprising that Democrats are being pushed aside on today’s political stage, as many of their colleagues are departing for other parties.
Currently McIntosh County has 5,963 registered Republicans, 4,752 Democrats, 1,773 Independents and 80 Libertarians.
According to figures released by McIntosh County Election Board Secretary Janelle Mcknight, since January 1 of this year 101 Democrats have registered as Republicans.
However, nine Republicans have become Democrats, so maybe the Democrats won’t become extinct. Four Libertarians and 33 Independents have abandoned their parties to become Republicans.
Five Democrats and 10 Republicans have joined the Independent Party.
Two Libertarians have switched to Independent.
Candidates who will appear on the June 18 ballot include:
District 2 County Commissioner
Incumbent Monty D. Grider Clifford McElaney Kevin Drake State Representative District 15 Eufaula resident Gail Jackson Eufaula resident Casey Johnson Checotah resident Spring Morrow Stigler resident Paul Palmer Kinta resident, Tim Turner State Representative District 13 Incumbent William Neil Hays Jarod Mendenhall Corporation Commissioner
Sapulpa resident J. Brian Bingman Broken Arrow resident Justin Hornback Edmond Resident Russell Ray