Stories from the past
114 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Friday, June 17, 1910
Checotah became a city of the first class with the retirement of the old village board and the inauguration of the new city council Monday night.
Considerable interest was manifested in the innovation and a large crowd was on the street early in the evening to witness the transfer. The retiring village board held its last meeting at the fire station and was presided over by President Luman with all members present.
The socialist party of McIntosh county held a convention in this city at Tuckabatchee hall Saturday afternoon and was well attended by those of that faith.
••••• 100 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, May 15, 1924
Old Tuckabatchee Hll to be Remodeled Into Modern Lodge Room During the last few days of 1923, the members of Checotah Lodge No. 86 A.F.&A.M. voted to buy a permanent home and appointed a committee to negotiate same. A contract was entered into by the committee and representatives of the Garst estate for the two-story building now occupied by Ellington’ department store and Griffing’s confectionery.
During the latter part of last week, the final details were completed and the property turned over to the Masonic order.
– The members of the Christian Circle will be the guests of Mrs. T.A. Miller in Muskogee Tuesday afternoon.
– Mrs. T. P. Pitts entertained a number of small girls and boys Saturday afternoon from three to five complimenting her daughter Katherine’s sixth birthday.
– Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Alson gave a beautifully appointed six o’clock dinner Tuesday evening complimenting Mr. and Ms. Everet Johnon and Mr. and Mrs. I.S. Hinshaw.
••••• 80 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, November 18, 1943
WACs to Recruit Air Force Girls
An Air-WAC recruiting team will be in Checotah on Wednesday, November 24, to enlist local girls directly into the Army Air Forces.
The Air–WACS are something new in service jobs for women. The Army Air forces found that the original WACs who were assigned to the air Forces were capable of doing almost every job that a man could do around an air field. And the WACS are able to do a number of jobs belter than men.
Any woman between the ages of 20 and 50, who is not now engaged in an essential industry, is eligible to enlist. If she can pass a commonsense aptitude test, she can pick her own job.
Checotahan Takes Part At Launching
Mrs. Douglas Moss, formerly of Checotah, participated in the launching of the SS Cape Giradeau at the shipyard in Compton, Calif. last week.
Mrs. Moss, who is a welder’s helper, was chosen from 17,000 employees to ride out the ship as it slid into the water.
In a letter to relatives Mrs. Moss stated that she was thrilled as the champaign was broken on the bow of the ship and thousands of people shouted and waved in a bedlam of excitement
••••• 75 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, May 19,1949
CITY CHRISTIAN CHURCH TO HOLD BIG DEDICATION Dedication ceremonies of the newly remodeled First Christian church will be held Sunday, it has been stated by leaders of the denomination The church plant has been completely rebuilt at a total cost of about $2,000. A kitchen and restroom have been added.
The funds were made available in the will of a retired Muskogee minister.
Miss Kloeckler Out Of Military Service Capt. Cecilia L. Kloeckler, Checotah, has been released from active military service.
She has been a patient at Brooks General hospital, Fort Sam Houston, Texas.
A member of the army nurse corps, her last station duty was with the 155th Station Hospital in the East Indies.
••••• 50 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, June 6, 1974
Hardcastle Eyes State Salon
Norman “Stoney” Hardcastle, one of this area’s better known personalities and community leaders, states he will be a Democratic candidate for State Representative, District 15, which includes all of McIntosh and parts of Haskell, Pittsburg and Muskogee counties.
Boren to Visit Checotah Today
Rep. David Boren will bring his campaign for governor to Checotah on Thursday, June 6, his state headquarters announced.
Boren, A Seminole legislator, will meet with friends and make a tour of the business district, discussing issues with Checotah residents.
••••• 19 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, September 1, 2005
Dusk ‘til Dawn Blues Festival
Come rain or shine
When it comes to the blues, the show must go on.
The Dusk ‘til Dawn Blues Festival is scheduled for tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday and folks round McIntosh County are going to hear some blues – come rain or come shine, says Selby Minner, cofounder of the event.
Fallin speaks at GOP picnic
Oklahoma Lt. Gov. Mary Fallin was the featured speaker at the tri-county GOP picnic held Saturday at the No. 9 Landing. Also featured during the day was speaker of the Oklahoma House of Representatives, Todd Hiatt.
••••• 10 YEARS AGO McIntosh County Democrat
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Snakes and other critters visit library
Snakes slithered in and out of the hands of children Thursday, May 29, during the Jim Lucas Checotah Public Library’s Summer Reading Program. None of the 106 children seemed afraid. Several of the 34 adults did.
Checotah students excel
Checotah elementary students are a cut above many of their peers, according to performance scores recently released by the state.
Superintendent Janet Blocker shared the good news from the 2013 School Report Card during the Board of Education’s monthly meeting Monday evening.