The Miss McIntosh County Pageant is scheduled for Saturday, April 20. Contestants must check in at 11 a.m. and photos start at 12 p.m. at the Checotah Middle School Auditorium.
To qualify for this pageant contestants must be 0 -18 years of age and live within Mc-Intosh County or have an affiliation within the area. Directors, Ashley Hackler and Hailey Quinton, will have final approval if a non-county resident is eligible to compete by affiliation.
The pageant will be judged in the following categories: Beauty, Photogenic, Facial Beauty, Outfit of Choice, Talent and People’s Choice.
Beauty: A “Queen” will be chosen in each age group and will be awarded a crown. There will also be alternates. Everyone else will receive a princess crown. Contestants should wear a nice dress. It can be simple to semi elegant. Judges do not score per cost of attire but rather look at fit and color choice.
Photogenic: Contestants should bring a 5×7 or smaller picture the day of the pageant. Multiple pictures may be entered. If entering more than one picture contestants must note it on their entry form.
Facial Beauty: Judged on facial beauty only (Prettiest Smile, Prettiest Eyes, Best Personality) O utfit of Choice: Can be whatever contestant chooses, from a cute outfit to a themed creative outfit. Anything goes if it’s age appropriate.
Talent: Age groups 5 -18 only. No longer than 90 seconds. Anything goes as long as it’s age appropriate. (Contestant must supply all needed materials including music, phone or flash drive) People’s Choice Award: Each contestant will have a personalized jar. The jar with the most money in it at the end of the contest will receive the title of the People’s Choice. Every dollar equals one vote.
To Qualify to win the overall titles of Little Miss McIntosh (ages 0 – 7) or Miss McIntosh (ages 8 -18) contestants have to enter Beauty, Photogenic and Outfit of Choice.
The overall titles are based on overall highest score. The more categories a contestant enters, the more points they can attain. There will also be other crowning titles within each of the categories.
Call directors to answer any questions: Hailey Quinton 918-4703446 or Ashley Hackler 918-441-8333 or email
ADMISSION is $4. One free admission comes with the contestant’s registration. All others will need to pay the general admission.