Kristen Hansen is a third grader at Eufaula Elementary who has a very rare genetic disorder, but she has never let it slow her down or keep her from doing what she loves. This includes her love for showing cattle like her big sister, Miranda, who has helped her behind the scenes and in the ring.
Three years ago, Kristen started with her first Mini Hereford Heifer and showed it with her big sister’s help. Now she finally gets to join the 4-H Club and is in love with showing heifers and steers alongside Miranda.
Due to Kristen’s disability, she always has Miranda in the ring to help control the cattle and to keep her safe. However, at Kristen’s first Muskogee Regional Junior Livestock Show when her sister was unable to help, four other FFA sisters from McIntosh County stepped up to help. They were Shayla Dismukes, Carly Dismukes, Katie Dismukes and Klaer Foreman.
Amazingly, these young la- dies stepped out of their comfort zones to help Kristen win Breed Champion Hereford, 2nd in her class with her Chi Heifer, and 1st and 6th place with her steers, which made her make the premium sale with her Hereford.
These girls melted everyone’s hearts at the show as they showed so much patience with Kristen and helped her control 1,100 to 1,500 pounds calves, all while keeping a smile on their faces and Kristen’s face too.
“This is exactly why we raise our girls in the show barn,” Kristen and Miranda’s mom, Brandi Hansen said. “Everyone accepts Kristen and never singles her out because of her disability.”
Both sisters have shown livestock at the Arkansas-Oklahoma State Fair, Tulsa State Fair, Arizona Junior National Livestock Show, McIntosh County Fair, Muskogee Regional Junior Livestock Show and most recently at the Oklahoma Youth Expo (OYE).
“OYE 2024 was definitely one the girls won’t forget. Miranda won Champion Polled Hereford Heifer and a scholarship with her heifer, Helen. She also won 3rd in her class with her little Hereford heifer. While Kristin started the week off showing her heifer, Karen, and they won first in their class. Then she went on to win 2nd in her class with her Cross Steer and was picked as the 18th Overall Steer, making the premium sale.
“Kristin couldn’t have had the success she had in the ring without the help of her big sister and others. Miranda did such an amazing job in the show ring with her own calves and her sister’s.
We can’t say thank you enough to these girls’ tribe that is always there to help and cheer them on. Our family is eternally grateful.”