Honey Springs Battlefield will host a special presentation by Kerry Jones, current National Park Service Guide at the Pea Ridge National Military Park in Arkansas, about the history of the 1st and 2nd Cherokee Mounted Rifles that fought at the Battle of Honey Springs, the Battle of Pea Ridge in Arkansas, and the overall Civil War in Indian Territory. The presentation will take place on Saturday, August 19, at 1 p.m. inside the Honey Springs Visitor Center.
Jones earned his undergraduate degrees in History (BA) and Political Science (BA) from Wichita State University, where he also earned a master’s degree in history (MA). He has taught history at the college level for thirteen years, and has worked for the National Park Service for seventeen years. Mr. Jones has also published thirty-seven articles for several publications, as well as, earning major awards from the National Park Service for his programs.
Honey Springs Battlefield is located east of US Highway 69 between Oktaha and Rentiesville. The Visitor Center is located on a hill near the Oklahoma Blues Hall of Fame in Rentiesville. Take the second left after reaching the Oklahoma Blues Hall of Fame Museum (driving from the west).
Honey Springs Battlefield and Visitor Center is a division of the Oklahoma Historical Society. The mission of the Oklahoma Historical Society is to collect, preserve and share the history and culture of the state of Oklahoma and its people. Founded in 1893 by members of the Territorial Press Association, the OHS maintains museums, historic sites and affiliates across the state. Through its research archives, exhibits, educational programs and publications the OHS chronicles the rich history of Oklahoma. For more information about the OHS, please visit www.okhistory.org.