OKLAHOMA CITY – With the end of summer break, the 2023-24 school year is about to begin for students.
In my hometown of Rush Springs, the annual Watermelon Festival held on the second Saturday of August was and is the “finish line” for the summer months.
It was always great to see friends from around town at the park where the festival is held and get reacquainted with them before the first bell rang for the year.
While many things have changed in schools today, I am certain that students today feel the same way.
As we enter this new school year, the Oklahoma Legislature has implemented several new programs and provided access to funding for many areas which should benefit students.
Tax vouchers will be accessible to families for providing different options for schooling, along with the funding available for schools to improve security options to protect students. Additionally, older programs such as the Back-to-School Sales Tax Holiday held this past weekend allowed families to purchase school clothes with no sales tax.
Another key item to consider is ensuring that children have access to to 8 years of age. Those at highest risk are unhoused youth, migrant workers and those with substance abuse or survivors of other forms of past violence. Many sex traffickers literally lure their victims by providing basic survival needs.
governmental programs that provide healthier lives. SoonerCare, our states Medicaid program, is a wonderful program providing health insurance to Oklahoma
families that fall into a specific earning level.
The Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy is partnering with Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma to raise awareness about this access to insurance coverage. If you would like to see if you and your family qualify, please go to https://
find him and offer him some dinner. So why didn’t I? I’ve helped others before, why didn’t I go find this child? Was I too busy with my own family trying to hurry to eat and go watch a movie? A movie that now convicts throughout the day to learn. Research shows these programs reduce food insecurity, obesity rates, and poor health. In addition, the new school meal nutrition standards are having a positive impact on student food selection and consumption, especially for fruits and vegetables.
The free and reduced meal program is offered to all students, Pre-K through 12th grade in Oklahoma schools. The eligibility scale to receive free or reduced=price meals is based on household size and income.
Caviezel, who played Tim Ballard, sent out a message to share tickets with others to come see the film, “Sound of Freedom.” He stated that the children who are rescued from trafficking are the real heroes, not just his attached graphic.
There are many families in Oklahoma communities eligible to receive free or reducedprice school meals but who may not be receiving these financial benefits. Children in households that receive SNAP (formerly known as food stamps), WIC, Medicaid, TANF, FDPIR, and most foster children can receive free or reduced meals by completing the program application.
Please reach out to your local school if you feel that you might qualify, because it also helps the school receive